Salsa Chile Verde con Queso

Adriana begins by toasting two tomatoes, 6 chilaca chiles and 6 cuaresmeño chiles.

Chilacas are mild and similar to poblanos which can be used instead.  When dried, chilaca are called pasillas.

Cuaresmeño is a very hot variety of fully ripened red jalapeños.

The toasted chiles are placed in a bag to continue steaming as they cool.

When they are cool, Adriana strips off the charred skin and cuts them into a fine dice.

She dices the two cuaresmeño chiles separately.

In the same manner, she removes the charred skin from the tomatoes and dices them.

She has julienned a whole white onion and sautéed it until tender.  Then she adds the diced chilacas.  The cuaresmeños will be added later.

The seasoning mix includes salt, black pepper, and garlic.


After the tomatoes are stirred in and simmered briefly, she adds a handful of shredded Chihuahua cheese.

Before adding the cuaresmeños, she dished up servings for me and her oldest son, Carlos, who also doesn't like very hot chiles.

The salsa was served with the pechugas con queso which she was making at the same time.

Very good!

At the point where the cheese was added, one could instead add diced cooked pork or beef, or shredded boiled chicken.  It would also be very good poured over fish which had been fried, baked or poached.

If you wish to write to Adriana Rosales you may send an e-mail to

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